Is Ringworm a worm? No, it's a form of fungus! Fungi are present naturally in our environment. They seem to flourish in warm, damp, or moist conditions. The Ringworm fungus itself, Trichophyton rubrum, exist in substantial populations on wrestling mats, in locker rooms, and bathing areas precisely because of the favorable conditions noted above.
What causes ringworm in humans?
The human body's natural skin flora contains many kinds of fungi in quantities considered reasonable and in equilibrium with skins ecosystem. Usually, the body is proficient at carrying fungi at healthy levels. However, if allowed to flourish beyond the norm, one may develop ringworm.
Causes of Ringworm
Tinea sp. in lay terms is also known as Ringworm. Trichophyton rubrum, the fungus, is the culprit. Ringworm is contagious. Contaminated towels, sports equipment, or coming into contact with infected animals, people, or even soil can cause ringworm.
What causes ringworm on the skin?
The infection starts almost instantly. It begins with red, itchy patches of the skin. From there, it can expand quite quickly, and infect larger areas of the body.
Left untreated Ringworm can spread quickly to cover large patches of skin. At this stage, it might not only be itchy but can become very uncomfortable and prone to a more severe infection.
If fungal infections run in your family, you may have a genetic predisposition to getting ringworm. If genetic predisposition is the case, you must be sure to clean methodically after being in areas like wrestling rooms, locker rooms, public pools, or other moist, humid environments. Defense Antifungal Medicated Bar Soap should be considered for cleaning and treating outbreaks.